Wednesday, April 25, 2007

no complaints here!

Today I was kicked out of the house.
Last night I asked my husband what we were going to do on his day off and he said,"No,you tell me what you are going to do?"
"I'm kicking you out, woman! That's right. You are not allowed to come back to the house until you have had a wonderful day all to yourself. I have plans for the girls and I and they include you being out to enjoy some time off."
Oh, how I love this man. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Jeep. I love him so. If there were any doubts before...this is the clincher! lol

I drove myself to the mall with thoughts of "What am I going to do?" and then as I rolled to a stop at the intersection, I cranked up the tunes, unrolled the windows and laughed, "What aren't I going to do? Yahooooo! A day off! I am highly favoured above woman! Yahooo!"

Since I'm relying on God to change the habit of complaining in my life over these next 21 days I contemplated how I was going to work on this while I was in the mall...alone....did I mention ALONE! In case anyone missed it...ALONE!!!!! I was completely by myself...or was I?
Nope, I wasn't. The presence of My King was tagging along and I had to say that I was quite grateful for it.
I spent time walking, searching for deals, trying on clothes and enjoying the people and places around me. Bursting from my heart was an overwhelming sense of thankfulness I have towards God and His goodness. He is so good. He is just so good.
And you know what else is good? New clothes! Oh yeah. And I spent 45 minutes in Ardene's picking out ten necklaces for $10 dollars. I tried everyone on ahead of time, I was fussy, I was picky, I made sure everything was to my liking. Do you know when the last time I've done that is? Hmmm...never!
But, here I was, in the mall with nothing but time to spend on being frivilous.And that's when it hit me.
I was being frivilious, and carefree and downright silly with my time.
When I shop, especially when I am with my kids, I can be a bit of a supermarket-nazi. I have a printed list, I have a map planned in my head of the best way to go through aisles, I am efficient and I am purposed.
Not today! Today I got to be free from care.
And looking back over the days events I see now that God really designed for this day to happen. The bigger message He was sending me was, "Allie, rest in me. You don't have to have a written list or a prepared plan with how I am going to change your habits. Just enjoy the journey, crank up the music and have fun."


Anonymous said...

Now this made me smile!! I can see Him smiling too! You are getting it really early in the game. Way to go!
Don't you love how He loves to spend time with us doing fun things?!

Anonymous said...

PS- I nominated you for a Thinker award, go the Reformation site to find the post.

Shaun and Holly said...

Yah hoo, for some inexpensive BLING! lol

Tamatha said...

lol.....that's GREAT Holly!

happymummy said...

Sweet! What a nice treat! When something like this happens to me, I tend to think: God must really like me! Yay!

Amy said...

I love husbands.